Postgraduate studies at TEI of Crete

The School of Applied Technologies (STEF) of the Advanced Technological Education Institution of Crete announces the postgraduate studies (Master of Science) in ‘Informatics & Multimedia’ starting from the winter semester 2012. ‘Informatics & Multimedia’ leads to a Master of Science Degree approved by the Ministry of Education, Life long Learning & Religious Affairs (Government Newspaper Release 1282/11-4-2012).

Scope and objective
The postgraduate program ‘Informatics & Multimedia’ has a duration of 18 months (3 semesters) and aims to provide candidates with high quality theoretical and practical knowledge on emerging topics in Informatics and Multimedia. The program is organized around modules (courses) comprising theoretical and laboratory work which is undertaken in the firts two semesters. The final semester is devoted to a research-oriented thesis on a competive subject. At the end of the postgraduate program succesful candidates should be able to demonstrate the required skills and competence in handling research-oriented targets in a selected domain of Informatics & Multimedia.

The postgrduate program accepts 30 candidates per academic year starting from October 2012. Applicants should possess a degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering, or equivalant from a recognized higher education institution. A number of scholarships are also available for candidates.

For further information is available from the Secretariate Office of the Department of Appiled Informatics and Multimedia.

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