iSTLab (interactive Software Technologies & System Engineering Laboratory) – a research unit of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. It was initially established in 2006 while in 2007 the lab was formally instituted as a research unit of the Technological Education Institute of Crete in 2007. Ever since it is supported by Research and Development projects as well as institutional funding. The objective of the laboratory is to undertake research and development activities in selected scientific domains and emerging technologies, as well as to support students of the Department of ECE in their effort to acquire basic theoretical knowledge, state of the art laboratory experiences and high quality skills and expertise. To this end, the laboratory offers opportunities for industrial placement and contract-based work for graduate students willing to gain practical experience in selected technological domains. Moreover, the laboratory has established liaisons with local industry and national universities and research laboratories to support graduates in search of working experience or postgraduate studies.

At present, iSTLab members include professors of the Department of ECE, postgraduate and undergraduate students in their industrial placement as well as a small number of external collaborators and colleagues. The laboratory specializes on a range of technological areas with an emphasis on Human Computer Interaction, Software Design, Software Engineering, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Model-based UI Engineering, Community Networking and Virtual Organization Informatics.

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