DIAMOUSES (2006-2009)

Project ID

DIAMOUSES was funded by General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greek Ministry of Development, in the context of the Regional Operational Program of Crete (PEP-Crete). The consortium consists of four academic institutes as well as two enterprises. Project partners include the TEI of Crete (through the Music Informatics Laboratory of the Music Technology & Acoustics in Rethymno, the istlab of the Department of Informatics Engineering in Heraklion and the Telecommunication Systems, Network & Applications Laboratory of the Department of Electronics in Chania), the department of Computer Engineers & Informatics – CEI (Graphics, Multimedia and Geographical Systems Laboratory at the University of Patras, FORTHnet Telecommunications & Telematic Applications co., as well as AKMI Institute of Education


The DIAMOUSES project aims at the development of an integrated collaboration environment which will meet the needs of communication throughout a distant live performance. Musicians-members of an orchestra, whilst geographically spread, they will be able to simultaneously perform the same piece of music. At the same time, this ‘network-performance’ will be witnessed by an audience located elsewhere, breaking the barriers set by geographical distance, thus resulting in a new network collaborative community. Additionally, beyond the traditional ways of music performance, the system will support innovative forms of musical expression, such as those met in electronic and electroacoustic music performance, with an extensive use of gesture recognition technologies.

Publications: Please visit the ‘Publications’ page.
Trade Fairs:
Early demonstration – Rethymnon Crete – 25/10/2007


Network Music Performance Workshop – Athens – 18/4/2008

Main results: ‘Experimental platform for Networked Music Performance’. The platfom features a dedicated installation of a community portal and a practice toolkit for distributed music performance. Notably, screen shots of this practice toolkit were selected to appear in the backpage of the Computer Music Journal 34(2)’.


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