MusiNet (2013 – 2016)

Project ID

MusiNet is co-financed by the European Social Funds (ESF) and Greek national funds of the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: THALIS. The project is led by the University of Crete (Department of Computer Science) and collaborators affiliated with the University of Athens (Department of Informatics & Telecommunication and Department of Music Studies), Athens University of Economics & Business (Department of Informatics) and the Technological Institude of Crete (Department of Informatics Engineering and Department of Music Technology & Acoustics Engineering).


The objective of the proposed project is to advance the current state-of-the-art in Networked Music Performance (NMP) systems. These systems allow geographically distributed musicians to collaborate in real-time through computer networks. NMP systems have the potential to advance music creativity, education, and cross-cultural interaction. It has been experimentally shown that the time delays of the information exchange (music, video) among the musicians using such systems must be an order of magnitude lower than in teleconferencing systems. Consequently, NMP systems are currently implemented for research purposes and are not widely available to musicians.

This project aims at further improving the technology of NMP systems so as to make them more widely available to (professional and amateur) musicians. This is important both for effectively supporting collaboration among professional musicians, but also for designing an open platform that will allow for social interaction through music expression.

The proposed project is expected to advance the current state-of-the-art in:

  • NMP systems architecture, network design and topology, for reducing the delays in the information exchange.
  • Audio and video coding, for achieving total algorithmic delays well below 25 ms.
  • Human-computer interfaces for NMP systems, by studying in depth the technological, musicological, and anthropological aspects associated with such systems.




Publications: Please visit our ‘Publications’ page.

Videos: Please visit our YouTube Channel.

Screenshots: Early prototypical implementations are displayed below.

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